Tuesday 28 September 2010

New Covers and Breaking Story!!!

Above are two covers for Nemesis Dawn of a Legend #1 and #2, on the top shows The Nemesis seen for the first time and the bottom is Henry in an Afro escaping in the wilderness of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. I have great news for you people who still are looking forward to my short film that is coming out, The Hardest to Survive, today I am having a meeting with some advisors to book more auditions very soon. Not only that, but test shoots begin this October 9th next week Saturday. This will be a teaser and the video clip will not only show two of the best actors who are portraying Nate and Remo, but it will be shot at the same location where producers filmed the last episode of The Bill. Richard Okeffe and Nicky Marshall will play Nate and Remo respectively. Just before I crack on, I have a synopsis for the eighth issue of Nemesis Dawn of a Legend below.

Nemesis Dawn of a Legend#8

A Blank Slate part 4 of 6: Blood and Bullets.

"On a mission to find out his true destiny through an unrevealed totem, Henry Jackson continues his training with his master, Jung Kwan, only to unwittingly give up on his duties and go on a quiet killing spree. During a crazy act of justice on the scum of New York, he finds himself chased by the authorities. If that is not enough he meets a questionable ally who has dangerous connections to the very pests who got his father on the wrong side of the law. With the police getting close on his heels, caught right in the middle of a supermarket, Henry must decide whether to go along with this stranger and escape or just act on his own will. Who is this person and can he really trust him? Is Henry at all safe with the company this guy keeps? Does this guy have some agenda under his bandanna or what? A Blank Slate saga rages on with part 4"

Hope you all loved issue 7, as you know, issue 8 will be posted on Friday's as usual. Speaking of that day Smallville the new season has just hit the USA. The first episode was sweet, those people really pulled their weight with the whole Clark nearly becoming Superman, the Boy Scout we all know. I remember starting to watch it when it first came out. I was about eight, good times. You will enjoy the next couple of issues to come, I haven't started writing the next issues after 8 yet but in the next couple issues after this, you will be surprised at the result during the conclusion of this second arc. Beware of this one for those who don't want to know what is to come. SPOILER ALERT!!! Issue 9 will see Henry on the hunt for one of the assassins and is hot on the trail while Issue 10 introduces a main villian of this story, which springs into a major battle royal and there will be blood.

Later everyone,

- Written by Andre Farquharson


  1. i think the top image is the best we've seen

  2. Thanks for your reply!! There's more to come!!!
