Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lil Dre's Freestyle

Last week Saturday, I did a little freestyle for ECHO on Jstaarz's Channel. I did this as my stage name, Lil Dre, I'm not gonna spend too long ranting here but check the video out below. You might be interested. I will be hitting the studio soon after to record my next track for upcoming mix-tape Breakin' the Rules. Look out for it on my Youtube channel 89kbon on my links page. Ignore the words final ECHO on top, Jstaarz will be doing many more videos soon and I am set to direct some music videos next year.

Later everyone,

- Written by Andre Farquharson

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Shoot Your Story Winner.

Remember the Shoot Your Story event I told you about quite some time ago for Lewisham Council in association with the Wake Up team? Well, two weeks ago, a ceremony was hosted at the Civic Suite for the runners up and prize winners. It was for participants to film a 2 minute film showing how people are doing something for the community and showcasing their directing skills. I would like to say in first place was Matthew Easy from Ezee Media who got a chance to get work experience in film production company and see many celebrities. I give him a round of applause for that. In second place was someone from a community center, I apologise for not remembering his name and I made it to third place. Both of us won prizes too and was really good. I thank everyone for inviting me there.

Later fans,

- Written by Andre Farquharson

Monday, 14 November 2011

Interlude V.

Welcome back, fans. I hope you enjoyed The New Kid Pilot last week, there will be more from Jstaarz like that very soon. I have spoke to Kieron Boothe about the colours and it is going to be sorted out this week. Another thing as well is remember the T-shirts I promised, well I finally have somewhere I can get them. It will take awhile to sort out the ones for Hardest to Survive short film but I can do the ones for Nemesis the Hunter's Mark. Expect it to be done soon and not only that, Hoodie's will be done too. Winter is fast approaching and I'm sure many of you would like some clothing for this Christmas. I will announce the market place where you pick up the items sometime in December. Prices will be on my website, so look out for that. As for the anime trailer, I am set to visit the lead animator shortly where I am to present storyboards. Issues of the Nemesis the Hunter's Mark series will be scheduled bi-monthly.

Take Care,

- Written by Andre Farquharson

Thursday, 10 November 2011

The New Kid Pilot.

Finally, The New Kid Pilot is here. You can watch the show here on my page and on Youtube, the clip maybe on Spiff TV as well. I Andre Farquharson star as the new kid, replacing Sean Marquis, the person initially intended to star as the lead role. Jerry Zemi stars as Killerman/Kellerman and Ryan Driscoll stars as one of the bullies, Alex. Written, directed and produced by Jstaarz, the show is about a new kid who is new to the block, executive produced by myself. So what are you waiting for? Check out the clip and let's read what you think.

Its over for now but for how long?

Updates coming soon,

- Written by Andre Farquharson

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Rule's Broken EP.

As I said before in my update video, I'm going to release two different discs of music. One is a mixtape called "Breakin' Da Rules" in 2012 and the other is an EP called "Rule's Broken". At the moment, I've recorded a few tracks for the mixtape and a couple for the EP. I've wrote tons for Breakin' Da Rules and just did another for "Rule's Broken". Of course the recordings have to be mastered and then mixed, which is an ongoing process at the moment. The music video for "She's a Piffy" on my mixtape has been shot, but needs to be edited.

The name up there is for the EP, but I want to talk a little bit about the mixtape. Its Hip Hop/Grime/Rap but has a little bit of Alternative tracks on there, its concept is mainly about a coming of age where I grew up and how I started to become rebellious as I grew older and mainly struggles. I can't tell you all of who will be on the mixtape, most are pretty unknown but one of them I mentioned is Blaze Barnation. I'll be working on a track with him soon. Just look out for my other track "My Sweetness" on my Youtube channel by a singer who is set to appear on X-Factor next year.

I'll be coming back to comic next week,

- Written by Andre Farquharson