It has been a struggle to get this project off the ground, but it seems the luck has suddenly begun to change. I can't give you any detail on what is about to rise, however, I can say things are picking where last it left off. I am in the process of getting hold of an actor to not only replace the last person from Hardest to Survive to play Nate but I am also seeing if I could get him a part on this project as well. He does not have a hold of the script for The New Kid yet but he does have a hold of one for my short film. It is too early to determine whether the person I have in mind will be involved in this project but so far he did agree to be in Hardest to Survive. I need to return calls on that one but rest assured, it will take quite a while to get The New Kid on the roll. I will let you know the developments later in another Youtube video but next week I am posting up a video on what I am doing and who I am. I will also try and sneak in an interview slated with Jordan O'Connor from Ezee Media if he is available. Will be in touch very soon.
Speak to you all then
- Written by Andre Farquharson
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