Fans, I bring to you the issue that you have all been waiting for, my third part of "A Blank Slate" saga called "The Yin and Yang". Last issue, Henry ran away free through a bank heist by shooting a police officer who happened to be on patrol in cold blood. However, is he really dead? There is some twists and turns going on in this second arc from a couple issues back in number 5. Henry finds his father's stashed fortune and bought an apartment with some decorations added in his base of operations. Now aware of what he's capable of, Henry wears the suit his father fitted as the classy, super-powered, assassin called the Shadow Man. Though, it appears he has given in to the dark side. As the title of the episode suggests, this is his journey into enlightenment. I don't want to spoil too much but now he's getting used to his identity he is seeking a way to find out how to control himself.
Here's a sample of the script for issue 7 down below:
https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B602QQJcnSFcYmJlMjFlYTktMGM3ZC00ZTU2LWFkYjUtNzVlYjQwNDI1NmQ4&sort=name&layout=list&num=50I will post issue 8 next week Friday 1st October and post cover art for issue 1 and 2, both have now been inked, scanned and ready for colour. I will release both of them on Wednesday together. Plus the flash animation will have to wait because I have not sent any more pictures to Jstaarz yet because I have been so busy concentrating on all three covers. I promise that once I've finished with getting those images done, he will send me a link to post on my page. The synopsis for issue 8 will be posted the same time as the first two covers are being shown. The eighth issue will be called "Blood and Bullets", which features a new supporting character who is going to be a vital idealist that is going to shape Henry's future.
- Written by Andre Farquharson
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